Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Jean's Graduation!!

Jean's back in Malaysia and she posted up her graduation pictures on her fb.
I just had to steal it and re-post it here, cause she looks great in a graduation gown.

Her hood was a bright yellow. and her graduation bear had the same coloured hood too!

jean in her new hair-do, yellow hood and me with a bad-hair-day

definitely deserves a thumbs-up!

jean, vicky and unidentified friend. (i don't know her)

Looking at her graduation pictures, I can't wait till my ceremony. It's on the 19th of May. Another month an a half to go. But so so so so excited about it. Mom and sis are coming too!! Looking at the pictures, I must note down to get a haircut before my graduation..

Till the next one,
Have a good week cause easter's around the corner.
Whee to public holidays (cause I start work in exactly 6 days!)

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